Thursday, August 6, 2009

i am trying to start a habit.
i read that it takes 21 days to establish a habit.
as in, if a person does something for at least 15 minutes for 21 days straight, by the end of the 21 days it will seem strange to our complicated little minds to not do it.

so i am trying to make myself start running consistently again if my ankles and knees will have it.
since moving from mpls i haven't been keeping up with running very well [oh, how i miss the trails along the mississippi river].
it really helps to be moved into town where i have choices beyond:
1. run on the highway
2. run on croftville

i am on day three.
we will see how this goes.

it also necessitated buying new running shows b-c i am long overdue for a new pair.
they should come next week, and hopefully they don't suck like the asics gel 3000s did.
[the new, improved version of the gel empires you say? rubbish.]

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! Remember that you just need to get your heart rate up each day for a few minutes, not run marathons - at least not for a few months...
    I like the formula of 21 days of 15 minutes each day. It will be interesting to see if that time period will establish a habit.
