Thursday, June 25, 2009

here's the thing about deadlines.
they suck.

but they are a fantastic motivator.
often i get pushed right up against them--like really, uncomfortably close, to the point my nose starts to flatten a bit.
but after i finish up whatever it is, i feel like i could just about fly.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

i am all moved.
it took a very stressful weekend, but it's done.


i feel like i can breathe again.

i have room.
i can't see my whole entire living space from one spot.

there is light.
the walls and ceiling are not pine-paneled and therefore do not suck up every ounce of light that enters.

it feels like home.
i am not even all unpacked yet and it feels like home.

it inspires me.
there are projects i want to do--can do there.
i have even started a list!
after 1.5 years of living at my old house, i never once felt inspired to work on anything.


and it took getting out of my old space to realize all this.
with that perspective i realize my old house has something off about it--something lifesucking and uncomfortable.

i am so glad i am no longer there.

Friday, June 12, 2009

do i seriously fit into size 2 pants these days?
that hasn't been the case since, oh...about 9th grade.
but, 3 exchanges later [by mail. joy.] here i am, wearing size 2 ae jeans.

either this is clear cut evidence of MAJOR vanity sizing [likely], or my diet's lack of high fructose corn syrup has done miraculous things.

it leaves me wondering, what do truly tiny people do?
maybe that explains the advent of the ridiculous size "00".

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

i move in four days!
there it is, big and orange, in all caps on my calendar: MOVE
it will be a bigger house, proximity to town will make things walkable, cheaper rent, the water will be drinkable, my cell phone will work, i will be able to get internet.
so, basically i will be moving into the 21st century.
it's about time.

first i have to figure out how to get my lawn mowed.
the lawnmower i normally use is broken.
i may have to grovel before my neighbor--or pay someone else to do it.
now that would be hoity-toity.

on another note: why is it feeling like early spring up JUNE?!
yes, it's a northerly area, but this is uncalled for.
some vitamin D would be nice.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

saving money is hard.
it's even harder when it's an exorbitant amount.
like, enough for a big, fat down payment on a new car.

well, that's what i'm hoping for anyways.
a 2005 honda civic [pre-ugly new body style].
this all depends on whether or not a decent one happens to be floating around the duluth car market come fall.
and whether or not i have achieved my monetary goals.
we shall see.